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Kopak Bronze

EP2 Kopak Bronze EP2 was specially designed for the lubrication of insertion tools and wear bushes ofHydraulic and pneumatic hammers developed. It facilitates installation and allows easy disassemblythe connections. Kopak Bronze EP2 is not a classic grease and must not be used for rolling orSlide bearing lubrication can be used!

Product info

Kopak Bronze EP2 is a modern chisel and drill string grease based on aluminum complex soap andMineral oil in combination with metal powder and selected solid lubricants. The synergisticThe interaction of the individual components makes Kopak Bronze EP2 a very good gliding pasteeffectively counteracts welding of threads. Kopak Bronze EP2 stands outby the following properties:
•Very good mechanical stability
•Excellent protection against wear and welding even in extreme temperatures
•Excellent pressure absorption capacity
•Very good corrosion protection properties
•High oxidation resistance

Capacity specification
