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Chain Saw Oil

100 Chain Saw Oil 100 was developed for the lubrication of saw chains on chainsaws. The saw chains will bethus largely protected against sticking, rubbing and annealing. The high adhesion of Chain Saw Oil100 prevents throwing away, lubricates and cools the saw chain and thus ensures a flawlessFunction of the saw.Chain Saw Oil 100 is not suitable for engine lubrication (admixing with fuel).

Product info

Chain Saw Oil 100 is a saw chain oil made from a high quality, low aromatic base oiland provided with a selected additive combination to prevent u. a. to achieve the following properties:
•Very good adhesion to the chain, which largely prevents the ejection of the oil
•Excellent lubrication of the saw chain including its storage
•Does not lead to sticking to the saw chain

Capacity specification
